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Shui-an Temple
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White-eared Sibia
The Intersection of Faith and Nature

Shui-an Temple has witnessed numerous relocations and renovations, with its historical roots tracing back to the Kangxi era of the Qing Dynasty. Initially dedicated by Fujian immigrants in gratitude for the protection of the San-Fu Wang Ye, this temple’s history is intertwined with the area’s rich cultural fabric. Nearby, the Liminggou branch is a natural stream coursing through urban Taichung. Originating from the Mayuantou River and flowing into the Fazi River downstream, this river covers nearly five kilometers, serving critical drainage and irrigation functions while preserving its pristine waters and abundant ecology. Along the pedestrian pathways flanking its banks, shaded by luxuriant greenery, community residents find solace and engage in outdoor activities, savoring the beauty of nature.

Arriving Station Music ”Preferred”
0:00 / 0:00
Artisan Nova
Arriving Station Music “Selected”
0:00 / 0:00
Memories on the Ripples